More testimonies may be read in the book!
Let the Truth Be Told
Janet Rodriguez

Trusting God’s Restoration
Y. Melendez

The truth is I may have had a lost childhood but from it, I gained a saved soul. When I was young, I watched how my mother got physically, emotionally, and verbally battered by my step-father. At the age of sixteen, authorities had been informed of the sexual molestation perpetrated against me by my step-father since I was eight; he was jailed for a day. But immediately after he was confined to jail, I was pressured by his family to recant my statement and say it had never occurred. I was jailed a day later for “false allegations” and he was immediately discharged.

Many young girls with a history of this nature would turn to prostitution and drugs or commit suicide. I began to suffer from major depressive disorder and anxiety. I was completely disabled, had no hope for the future, and eventually attempted suicide several times.
During the summer of 2004, I was hospitalized. While there, I met another patient who invited me to church. That summer I was saved by surrendering myself to my Lord Jesus Christ. I would have to say I was saved not only from hell, but from killing myself. At times I do slip and fall, but I am able to get right back up with God’s help.

Today I have earned both Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees and will soon be finishing my Master’s degree in Public Administration. I have a wonderful husband and son, and a successful career working for the federal government.

God was able to restore me from so many awful things that I went through as a child. What I have come to realize is He has been protecting me all along. He was there even at times when I felt like I wasn’t being protected! I would not be able to do all that I have been doing nor be able to reach the fullest of my potential without Jesus Christ in my life, as it says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

People who don’t know Jesus as their personal Savior always ask me, “How are you able to rise up and survive from your past?” What the world doesn’t know is that God has been able to heal me of my past and transform me into who I am today. He was able to restore me; He is able to restore you as well.